What is a Leadership Mindset?

Hello Sheeba,

Whether you are in a new leadership position or have been managing a team for a long time now, there is one thing that remains constant: your mindset directly impacts your leadership.

Do you feel confident and capable as a leader?  When's the last time you reflected on the mindset you embrace as you lead yourself and others? Do you often see yourself as a victim to circumstances or do you take the time to search for the opportunities?

If you feel like your leadership could use a boost of new skills or just a quick update, read on for a few thoughts on how you can apply a mindset shift that will help you thrive in your leadership.

Don't get stuck in what has worked before. This is the timeless trap of great leaders. The if-it-isn't-broken-don't-fix-it mentality, which sounds great, but in actuality leads to stagnant, stale routine rather than innovation. Be constantly open to new thoughts and ideas on how to approach situations or get things done in order to remain fresh and creative.

Continue learning. A great way to avoid being stuck, is to be continually looking for opportunities to grow as a leader; whether this means taking a class, attending a workshop, or reading a book on management styles or effective workplace strategies.  Being involved in networking communities can also help you continue to learn and grow.  Any of these approaches can help you maintain the mindset that there are good ideas out there waiting to be discovered which will help you pivot and grow.

Seek an external perspective. The best leaders try first to understand the point of view of their team members or clients rather than their own personal gain. This may seem noble and altruistic, but in essence it is ultimately the best way to connect, learn and relate to your staff because they will feel valued and appreciated, and the simplest way to keep clients happy and coming back for more. Which in turn benefits you as the leader to keep things running smoothly and serve in the benefit of those around you.
Take time to reflect. The busyness of our day will keep us on a continuous mode of work. Yet, sometimes, it is important to take a break and reflect on the thoughts we have when we are confronted with challenges. Is the default mindset to look at everything that going bad or do we take the time to search out the opportunities that are available to us?  Are we seeing ourselves as a victim to the situation or have we taking the time to reflect on our contribution. Where does our mind go to first?  
A leadership mindset comes from a place of creativity and resourcefulness. It allows you to see possibilities, opportunities, strengths and what is working. Having this mindset will reflect who you are as a leader and impact how you develop and maintain your team.
Be open to opportunities, be more collaborative, and demonstrate self-awareness as a role-model for you and your team. 
If you feel that your leadership could benefit from a powerful and effective mindset shift, I would like to invite you to join me for a Free Webinar, The Leader's Journey: From Mindset to Impact on August 8 at 8am Pacific Time. Click to learn more and register today.
Inspiring You To Thrive, 


  1. When was the last time you considered the mindset you are embracing as you go about your day?
  2. Are you a victim to your circumstances or are you willing to see the opportunity?
  3. How do you feel your current mindset affects your team? What mindset shift could you make to be more impactful?

True or False?

False. According to the Harvard Business Review, organizations worldwide in fact spend close to $356 billion annually toward leadership development efforts. However, 75% of organizations don't find the instruction very useful - and recent research suggests that this is due to a very important component being overlooked: The mindset of good leadership.


Peter Tabichi

In March, Peter Tabichi won the Varkey Foundation 2019 Global Teacher Prize worth $1million. With a price tag like that, you can imagine that this award is not handed out lightly.

Tabichi, who teaches physics and math in Kenya, is indeed a standout in his field. Not only have his students consistently won international scientific achievements despite extremely limited resources, Tabichi gives 80% of his income back to the school and community.

He single-handedly expanded the school's science club and his instruction led to the development of generating electricity using local plantlife.

Tabichi says he wants to use his 2019 Global Teacher Prize to give back to the society and promote Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM).



The Leader's Journey: From Impact to Transformation

I have already invited you to join me for the Free Webinar, The Leader's Journey: From Mindset to Impact on August 8 at 8am Pacific Time, but for even more mastery over your mindset as a leader, I am hosting a 5-week Leadership Training program called The Leader's Journey: From Impact to Transformation. 


The Leader’s Journey: From Impact to Transformation

Everything you do has an impact on people. If you’re in a leadership position, that impact is magnified. What kind of impact do you want to have? Are you ready to change the way you lead?

 You will learn:

  • How your priorities impact the way you manage yourself & others

  • Your motivators, your energy drainers and how to handle both effectively

  • Your directing and delegating styles (plus their strengths and challenges) 

  • How to create an environment that inspires people to do their best work  

  • The most effective, natural approach to developing others

This training can help minimize the daily stressors and self-doubt you might have so you can lead with confidence, clarity and ease. 

DATES: August 21, 28, & Sept 4, Sept 11, 18

On Sept. 4th, it will be a Special Q&A "Office Hours" session where you can bring in specific questions of your own and receive coaching.

TIME: 9:00am PST/12:00 pm EST

COST: $497.00


Register Now!


How Well Do You Lead?

Leadership is having the desire and ability to develop and grow in your response-agility to people and situations you find yourself in every day. When you are able to do this effectively, you are able to expand your leadership presence, communicate effectively, listen deeper, and develop those around you.

However, how well do you lead?






Sheeba Varghese is a Professional Certified Coach, speaker, and mentor to many. Her passion is to inspire and equip men and women to lead with excellence and authenticity within the spheres of influences that they are called to impact in life. The spheres may be in a home, on a team, in a classroom, among partners in a firm, or within management, to name a few.

In her time apart from clients, Sheeba enjoys time with her husband, Santosh, and their 2 sons, Sam and Steven. She loves great movies, a good book, decorating and eating at the wonderful restaurants of San Francisco.