Focus in Leadership

Hello Sheeba,

Focus can mean many things depending on the circumstances, but I think everyone agrees that it is a crucial skill for an effective leader to cultivate.

Focus is what helps individuals and teams to meets deadlines. Focus can keep your team dedicated to the task at hand. Focus inspires innovation and creative thinking when problem-solving.

It is up to us as leaders to set the example for how to maintain the focus required to be productive and efficient. 

However, that can be so much trickier than it sounds.

Especially when our own busy lives make demands on our time, or there are several things that need our attention. So, consider these tips the next time you feel your focus slipping.

Limit distractions. This may seem like a no-brainer, but when was the last time you actually turned your phone on silent, shut your door, and gave any one task your full attention? Distractions are commonplace in our technological world, so avoiding them has to be deliberate. Consciously take the time to make your environment distraction-free when you need to focus.

Step away from your desk. If you know you need to give a singular project or task your complete attention, allow yourself about 10- 20 minutes beforehand to step away from your desk just to clear your head by taking a walk outside. This will allow you to breathe in the fresh air, focus on something totally different, or even think about your project in a different setting. Diving into work with a thousand things on your mind is a surefire way to disrupt your concentration and have you feeling outside pressure. This can not only leave the task you've tried to prioritize incomplete, but it can also make you downright irritable. So be intentional to step away from your desk- your brain will thank you!

Check the thermostat. Optimal temperature may seem like a luxury, but studies have shown that people's productivity correlates directly to their comfort - with temperature being one of the prime components.  A study from the Helsinki University of Technology in Finland says that workers are most productive and make fewer errors when the temperature is 71 degrees. How's that for specific? So, find whatever temperature and environmental conditions are most comfortable for you when you really need to focus.

Don't overdue it. Just as important as knowing how to focus is knowing when to take a breather or grab a little something to eat. Breaks can be a hard concept for leaders to grasp because there is always so much to do! Still, it has been proven time and time again that a little time away from a task can actually lead to a fresh perspective and a clearer mind; which ultimate leads to better results. So go ahead, take a break sometimes. No one has ever been at the top of their game when they were hangry or overworked!

Set goals and write them down. Did you know that you are 42% more likely to accomplish your goals if you write them down? So, if you're really trying to buckle down, focus, and get something done, write that list and mindfully work through each task. Remember, that you might not be able to finish it all in one sitting so focus to get a little done and schedule more time to work on it incrementally.

Staying focused can be a challenge, but it is so vital to your success that I encourage you to ensure you are cultivating this leadership essential every single day by incorporating the tips above or finding alternate techniques that work best for you.

Inspiring You To Thrive, 


  1. What is the main source of distraction for you?
  2. What is one SMART goal you can set to focus on today?
  3. How do you support team members when they need to focus?

Did You Know?



Fabiana Pierre-Louis


On June 8, Fabiana Pierre-Louis made history when she was announced as the first black female member of the New Jersey Supreme Court.

A trailblazer and an incredible leader, Ms. Pierre-Louis' story, the story of the daughter of immigrants who has gone on to achieve this landmark victory, represents the very best this great nation has to offer. A true leader!




New Facebook Group for Leaders

I invite you to join me and other leaders like yourself in a private Facebook group I've created called Reimagine LeadershipThis group is created to serve both men and women, like you, who would like to explore, improve, and learn practical tools and strategies that would up-level your Leadership in all areas of your life.

  Join now!


How Well Do You Lead?

It is important in leadership to have the desire and ability to develop and grow in your response-agility to people and situations you find yourself in every day. When you are able to do this effectively, you are able to expand your leadership presence, communicate effectively, listen deeper, and develop those around you.

My question to you is: How well are you leading within your sphere? 



Sheeba Varghese is a Professional Certified Coach, speaker, and mentor to many. Her passion is to inspire and equip men and women to lead with excellence and authenticity within the spheres of influences that they are called to impact in life. The spheres may be in a home, on a team, in a classroom, among partners in a firm, or within management, to name a few.

In her time apart from clients, Sheeba enjoys time with her husband, Santosh, and their 2 sons, Sam and Steven. She loves great movies, a good book, decorating and eating at the wonderful restaurants of San Francisco which are now closed :(.