Your Leadership Impact

This bi-weekly newsletter shares tips and strategies to help you on your leadership journey. Each issue will include a snapshot of articles, images, and motivations being shared through Coach Sheeba's online communities. Find her on Linkedin and Facebook.



A Happy Thanksgiving! Message

As I reflect on my life during this holiday season, I am thankful for the many blessings that I have experienced this year.

I am thankful for God’s guidance in my life.

I am thankful for my family and friends that I get to share this life with on this Earth.

I am thankful for many of you that have given me the opportunity to partner with you in your search for clarity within your profession and life.

I am thankful for each moment I get to live. It is in these moments that life is shared, challenges arise, growth occurs, lives are encouraged and moments become impactful!

Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving holiday!



#InspiringWomen #MakingaDifference

Indian Mompreneurs Go Back to Basics with Traditional, Organic Snack Startup

Healthy children’s food in India never really had a chance to be perceived as cool – in part due to packaging that failed to appeal to kids, unlike cheap and unhealthy fast food brands. That perception needed to change, and that’s what two young mothers – one a former public health consultant, the other a former banker – set out to do with their packaged food brand, Slurrp Farm.

Read more



I started coaching in 2010. Being new to this profession, I was not sure what I would find but I knew I wanted to help and support others to begin taking steps forward in their lives. Fast forward to 2016 and after having successfully coached many clients, I have come to the conclusion that there are often 3 reasons that a person becomes stuck in life. Read more.

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 Is Coaching Right For You?

How well are you leading within the spheres of influence in which you are currently engaged? Find out by scheduling a 30-minute complimentary "Is Coaching Right for Me?" session with Coach Sheeba. 

Click here to get started!



Sheeba Varghese is a Professional Certified Coach, speaker, and mentor to many. Her passion is to inspire and motivate men and women to take steps that would encourage them to get unstuck so they may thrive in life! In her time apart from clients, Sheeba enjoys time with her husband, Santosh, and their 2 son's, Sam and Steven. She loves great movies, a good book, decorating and eating at the wonderful restaurants of San Francisco.