Hello Lovely People, 

One of the complaints I hear often is, "I don't have enough time!"

Well, what you do with your time is the experience you will have.

For some it will be the "not enough time", for others it is a feeling of "I am on borrowed time!", and yet others it is the feeling of being present to the time you have right now. Regardless of your relationship to time, please read on for some valuable tips that might support you today. 





Time, once it arrives, you can never ask it to wait.

This is exactly why you need to focus on your larger priorities first and if time allows, your next pressing priority.

I know this sounds easy, but managing time is a stressor for many leaders. Putting some simple strategies in place will help relieve the stress, allow you to work more efficiently and actually have time to work on some things you have been putting off.


  1. Set up a routine. Plan for time where you will focus on completing certain tasks. Stick to this schedule until it becomes routine.


  1. Break larger tasks into smaller parts. You cannot eat an apple in one bite; remember this when you are trying to accomplish a task that is really too big to do all at once. Which brings me to the next point…


  1. Utilize your team. Remember you are not a one woman or one man show. You have your team with their diverse talents that are there to help. Allow them to help.


  1. Get support. Even if you are creating something new to you, someone has done it before or has helped others do it.

Here is a simple and effective training on time management that may be useful. Proficient time management execution is certain to make an impact in your organization.







What are some time wasters that you know you need to avoid to be a better leader?

  • Over analyzing
  • Poor planning
  • Crisis management
  • Lack of priorities or procedures
  • Micromanaging staff
  • Interruptions
  • Indecisions
  • Impromptu meetings
  • Poor organization

Sheeba, what can you add to this list? Hit reply and let me know. I will share with you a simple strategy to help you set up a procedure to avoid it.



Professional Coaches:

Why is it important to work with a Mentor Coach?

Taking the time to work with a Mentor Coach is important because the feedback you receive from the mentoring process helps to boost your coaching confidence, allows you to look at the coaching session from a different perspective, and raises your credibility in your pursuit for renewal or credentialing with ICF. 

So, if you are renewing your application for ACC or PCC credentialing with ICF, come join me for an eight week group mentoring program that allows you to learn and grow in your skills, confidence and competence as a coach. I have found that when you are in the presence of other coaches, you will learn so much that you can take away and use as a practitioner in the coaching profession. This course begins September 11th. Registration begins now for this course. 

Some coaches wait until the last minute to complete this requirement. However, the mentoring process is to be completed over a 3-month process.

If you would like to get some continuing education credits instead, well this is also an option for you. So, come and join me for this time together!

Group Mentor Coaching/Continuing Education Credits


Sheeba Varghese is a Professional Certified Coach, speaker, and mentor to many. Her passion is to inspire and equip men and women to lead with excellence and authenticity within the spheres of influences that they are called to impact in life. The spheres may be in a home, on a team, in a classroom, among partners in a firm, or within management, to name a few.

In her time apart from clients, Sheeba enjoys time with her husband, Santosh, and their 2 sons, Sam and Steven. She loves great movies, a good book, decorating and eating at the wonderful restaurants of San Francisco.