As this year is coming to a close I want to make sure and convey my appreciation to you ....THANK YOU!

I am ever so grateful for the love and support showered on me over these last 8 years that I have been involved in this business. I have experienced the joy of supporting clients from all different backgrounds and seen the changes that have occurred in their lives, businesses, and teams- this brings me deep satisfaction! Thank you for your emails, comments on social media, messages of learning and awareness that deepened your growth and development! Thank you for stretching me beyond my comfort zone, your encouragement, and your trust. I am deeply honored and grateful for the opportunities!



Leadership Tip:

One of the most important traits for any leader to display is appreciation and gratefulness.  There are so many people in leadership positions right now that don't understand this concept because they grew up in homes where this was foreign to them. Yes, no matter what we may believe, the environments in our home DO affect the way we interact and behave in adulthood. The great point to remember is that we can change. 


  • Be intentional in displaying your appreciation.
  • Be specific to thank people for who they are being
  • Show gratefulness for the work people do.
  • What else might you add to this list?




What's coming up in Coach Sheeba's world?

  • I look forward to having the family all together again for the holidays! 


  • I look towards the year 2018 with great anticipation!! I know the possibilities are endless and we get to enjoy the opportunities. 


  • I thank all the coaches who were involved in my  Mentoring Groups. As a result, I have taken what I learned to submit a course that incorporates the Coaching Competencies and the Mentoring for ICF (International Coach Federation) approval. You will hear more about this in 2018. 


  • I would definitely love to bring more of the leadership coaching opportunities to mid-level management. Often they are the forgotten group in the world of organizations. If you know of a company that is willing to invest in them, please send me an email so we can see how to collaborate our efforts. 



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 Is Coaching Right For You?

Do you want to gift yourself or someone else with the gift of coaching? Well, here's a chance...

You can schedule a 30-minute complimentary "Is Coaching Right for Me?" session with me OR you can let me know who you would like to gift a coaching package for in your life or business. 

Click here to get started!



Sheeba Varghese is a Professional Certified Coach, speaker, and mentor to many. Her passion is to inspire and equip men and women to lead with excellence and authenticity within the spheres of influences that they are called to impact in life. The spheres may be in their home, on a team, in a classroom, among partners in a firm, or within management, to name a few.

In her time apart from clients, Sheeba enjoys time with her husband, Santosh, and their 2 sons, Sam and Steven. She loves great movies, a good book, decorating and eating at the wonderful restaurants of San Francisco.