Happy Thanksgiving, Lovely Leaders!

As I reflect on my life during this holiday season, I am thankful for the many blessings that I have experienced this year and over the last 11 years that I have been involved in this business.  I have experienced the joy of supporting clients from all different backgrounds and have seen the changes that have occurred in their lives, businesses, and teams. I have seen the evolution of leadership and the struggles that many face when it comes to managing, communicating and relating to the variety of frustrations and challenges that arise on a given day.  

I am thankful for so many of that have given me the opportunity to partner with you in your search for clarity and support within your leadership, your teams, and your organizations.  Thank you for embracing the challenge to be coachable  while sharing your learning and awareness that has deepened your growth and development! It is certainly not so simple when you are all such experts in your various disciplines. Like a dear friend once told me, "Simple does not mean it is easy." However, it does mean that it is doable. We can change the ways we interact with others and much of the work we do together connects to that aspect of leadership. 

Thank you for your emails, referrals, text messages and support of my latest resource for emerging leaders: Confidence, Clarity & Ease, A Guide For Emerging Leaders To Thrive. Thank you for stretching me beyond my comfort zone through your encouragement and trust. I am definitely not the same entrepreneur that began over 11 years ago. I am deeply honored and grateful for the opportunities!

I am thankful for God’s guidance in my life. It is my faith that provides the rudder for my journey. I am content in the failures and the successes, knowing it is all there for my benefit and growth. I am thankful for each moment I get to live. It is in these moments that life is shared, challenges arise, growth occurs, lives are encouraged and moments become impactful!


Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving holiday!


With Appreciation,  

Sheeba Varghese, PCC

Leadership Trainer & Executive Coach



  1. When you look at your current team, what do you feel most grateful for?
  2. How will you demonstrate your appreciation to your team in small ways everyday?
  3. How do you think feeling more grateful would impact your leadership?



My Book is Available for Purchase!

In providing coaching and training to teams and leaders from all over the world, I have seen the valuable foundational principles that are important for emerging leaders to consider as they communicate, manage and relate to others. Leadership is important and how you show up is important. More importantly, the mindset that you embody is important.

Here is a resource that you will find valuable and if you know me, you will know that I am often about getting to heart of the matter- concise and to the point. You will find this resource to be just that- concise and to the point- offering questions that will encourage you to consider and reflect your leadership.


Buy Now 


 One of the most important traits for any leader to display is appreciation and gratefulness.  There are so many people in leadership positions right now that don't understand the value of this simple act.  

Take time to:

  • Be intentional in displaying your appreciation.
  • Be specific to thank people for who they are being
  • Show gratefulness for the work people do.
  • What else might you add to this list?




What's coming up in Sheeba's world?

  • I look forward to being with the family all together again for the holidays! As an empty nester, it is always precious to see my sons and spend time with them. 
  • I will be on a podcast with Dr. Jen Bennet discussing my new book on November 18, 2021. 
  • I will be on a webinar with Hone on December 1, 2021,  discussing my new book. 
  • I am working with an Illustrator to bring my children's book to life. You will hear more about that by the end of the year. 


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Sheeba Varghese is a Professional Certified Coach, speaker, and mentor to many. Her passion is to inspire and equip men and women to lead with excellence and authenticity within the spheres of influences that they are called to impact in life. The spheres may be in their home, on a team, in a classroom, among partners in a firm, or within management, to name a few.

In her time apart from clients, Sheeba enjoys time with her husband, Santosh. Together, they have two sons, Samuel and Steven. She doesn't see them as much anymore since they are enjoying life at Universities. She loves great movies, a good book, decorating and eating at the wonderful restaurants of San Francisco.