NEW YEAR, NEW INTENTIONS: Staying productive in 2022


Hello Sheeba,

Happy New Year! For many people, a new year means a new set of goals. Is this you? If it is, I want you to consider a couple of things before you set those goals. Create clear intentions that will support your goals. It is never a bad thing to set new goals for yourself, your family, or your business. Oftentimes, however, people do not take the time to look at their current schedules, their priorities, or even where their focus is needed. 
If you have a busy schedule already and throw your new goals into the hectic mix of life, you are setting yourself up for failure. 

In the first chapter of my book, Confidence, Clarity & Ease: A Guide For Emerging Leaders To Thrive,  I discuss the three things that are required from you to be productive. The first one is that you must prioritize your responsibilities. If you don't know what the priorities are, you won't know where your focus should go. 

If you are one to always say, "Sure, I can do that." without even taking time to consider what is already on your schedule then you must learn to say, "No" or "Let me check my schedule, before I agree to this." If you are juggling too many things all at once, inevitably the balls will begin to drop and you will end up feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. 

The third thing you need to do in order to be productive is delegate. That means that you're not doing all of the work by yourself. You can give jobs to others around you who you trust. All of these things will significantly help with your productivity. Delegation can happen once you determine what your unique value is that you bring to your team, business or organization. 

Goals are wonderful to create, however clearer intentions of how you will go about attending those goals are even more critical; a mindset that values productivity instead of busyness will go a long way with what and how you accomplish your goals this year. Being productive for one day can turn into a week, which turns into a month, which can turn into a whole year! Everything we achieve in life starts with small steps. You've got this and we're ready for you to be productive in 2022!

 Questions for you to consider: 

  • What keeps you in a state of busyness?
  • What must you do to identify your priorities?
  • What is something on your schedule right now that someone else can probably do better than you or should be trained to do? 
Inspiring You To Thrive, 


According to, these are the top 10 goals or resolutions made by people. Did any of these make your list? 

Exercise more
Lose weight
Get organized
Learn a new skill or hobby
Life life to the fullest
Save more money/spend less money
Quit smoking
Spend more time with family and friends
Travel more
Read more




Betty White will always be remembered for her career as an entertainer. She was a beloved "Golden Girl" and starred in countless other movies and shows. However, her legacy goes far beyond television. She was a pioneer and a leader. She was an advocate for others. 

In her career, Betty White cofounded a production company and became the first female to produce a national television show in 1952. She inspired and paved the way for other women by doing this.

White took a stand for civil rights. She refused to take African American performer Arthur Duncan off of her show, despite others telling her to. She received letters telling her to take him off of her show or they wouldn't air it. White's reply was simply, "Live with it". Her show was cancelled shortly after this in 1954. 

Don Cheadle, an African American actor, remembers when filming with White, how they were having trouble getting the lighting right with White's white skin and his dark skin. He said the next day, White came in with her makeup darker. Nobody asked her to, she just did it on her own. 

Not only was White incredibly successful, she was kind and she was a leader. She wasn't a leader because it was easy or made her look good. She chose to lead even when it was hard or there were repercussions in her life. White was a genuine trailblazer during her life.

Photo source:





Sheeba Varghese is a strategic partner for your talent development solutions and the author of Confidence, Clarity & Ease: A Guide For Emerging Leaders To Thrive. Her passion is to inspire and equip men and women to lead with excellence and authenticity within the spheres of influences that they are called to impact in life. The spheres may be in a home, on a team, in a classroom, among partners in a firm, or within management, to name a few.

Sheeba works with: 

Senior Leaders and professionals who want to develop stronger leadership skills, have impact and move forward in their careers

Teams who want to work cohesively within their organizations

Coaches who want to renew or apply for certification with ICF

If you want to improve your leadership skills, transition from managing to leading, ensure your team is amazingly successful, increase your own self-awareness and progress your career, or you aspire to be a masterful coach for your clients, then Sheeba would love to support you. She works with clients globally, both face-to-face, phone or by Zoom.

In her time apart from clients, Sheeba enjoys time with her husband, Santosh, and their 2 sons, Sam and Steven. She loves great movies, a good book, decorating and dining at the wonderful restaurants in the Bay Area.


Tel: 650-741-6545