How well do you LEAD? 

We often connect leadership with corporations, politics, or businesses. While all of that makes sense, I would love for you to consider the reality that leadership really begins with you and it impacts the spheres of influence you find yourself in right now.  Although the spheres may differ greatly from person to person, each and every one of us can make the difference to lead in the benefit of those under our care right where we are! Remember, as leadership begins with you, it will impact what happens in your home, in your relationships, and in your daily encounters with others.
Great leadership begins with introspection of where you are right now and how you want to improve. By the way, there is always room for improvement! 

To begin, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are your actions aligned with what you say? 

  • Do you inspire and build others up? 

  • Does your leadership convey trust and reliability?

Consider these 10 ways to lead WELL: 

1. Take Responsibility. 

When you blame others, it will cost you your credibility. Blame keeps those with whom you relate to on the defensive and it ultimately sabotages real growth and productivity.

2. Be Truthful. 

Inaccurate representation affects everyone. Demonstrate that honesty IS the best policy!

3.  Set Clear Expectations. 

Seek to understand that your expectations are clearly defined. Provide accountability, so that there are no surprises before the deadline.

4. Acknowledge Failure. 

This allows others to do the same and it defines failure as part of the process of growth and development. 

5. Be Coachable. 

Be ready to receive feedback on what is going well and what areas need improvement. The perceptions of those around you are true to them and whether they are the TRUTH or not, it will provide areas for your growth to lead well. 

6.  Create Solutions. 

Don't dwell on problems; instead be the first to offer solutions and ask your team for input. 

7. Listen. 

Ask questions and seek to understand. You will receive valuable insights and set a tone that encourages healthy dialogue.

8. Delegate Liberally.

Encourage a culture in which people can focus on their brilliant zones. However, when you delegate, make sure that the task is understood by all and that those around you are well equipped to handle the task. 

9. Manage Your Priorities.

Don't make your lack of preparation a point of stress and chaos for your team. 

10. Take Care Of Yourself.

Exercise, don't overwork, and take a break. A balanced team, mentally and physically, is a successful team. Model it, encourage it, and support it!


All of these 10 action steps can be done anywhere, in any environment, and right now! So, don't wait. Make an intention to take one step.