The Importance of Unplugging in Life, Both Personal and Professional


Hello Sheeba,

Let's talk about the power of unplugging in this crazy digital world we live in. It might sound counterintuitive, but trust me, it's essential for our well-being and overall success. So, let’s explore why unplugging is a game-changer! 

Unplugging for Personal Bliss:

Did you know that being glued to our screens can take a toll on our mental health? It's true! The American Psychological Association found that constant digital engagement leads to increased stress, anxiety, and burnout. By intentionally unplugging, we can hit the reset button, recharge our batteries, and regain a sense of sanity. 

Stats Snapshot:

- 70% of adults suffer from symptoms of digital overload, like eye strain, sleep disruption, and increased stress.

- Regular unplugging has been linked to improved mental health and reduced anxiety and depression. How awesome is that?

Unplug to Supercharge Productivity and Creativity:

Imagine a world without constant digital distractions. Sounds like paradise, right? Well, by creating designated unplugged time, we give ourselves the freedom to focus and unleash our creative genius. No more interruptions every 11 minutes. Research shows that is how often someone is interrupted at work! So, let's embrace those uninterrupted moments to think deeply, reflect, and come up with out-of -the-box ideas. 

Stats Snapshot:

- Studies show that constant interruptions at work lead to a significant loss of productivity and focus. 

- Taking regular breaks from our digital devices actually boosts attention span and cognitive abilities. Say hello to peak performance and completing some priorities!

Unplug, Connect, and Strengthen Bonds:

In this era of remote work and virtual connections, genuine human interactions often take a backseat. By unplugging, we open the doors to stronger relationships with our amazing team members and colleagues. Let's be present, listen actively, and engage in meaningful conversations. It's time to build trust, foster a positive work culture, and create intentional connections. 

Stats Snapshot:

- Research shows that employees who feel valued and supported by their leaders exhibit higher levels of engagement, loyalty, and job satisfaction. Team power, activate!

- Unplugging during meetings and one-on-one interactions paves the way for deeper connections, better understanding, and epic collaboration. 

  1. Work-Life Balance

Leadership demands can blur the lines between work and personal life. But guess what? Unplugging is the secret ingredient for a healthier work-life balance cocktail. By setting clear boundaries and prioritizing downtime, we create space for relaxation, hobbies, family, and self-care. Let's show our teams that we can be effective at work while still having a life that is outside the office. 🌞🌴

Stats Snapshot:

- The Harvard Business School says leaders who prioritize work-life balance perform better and have lower turnover rates. 

- Believe it or not, our own work-life balance practices influence our team members' well-being and engagement. We lead by example, my friends!

In conclusion, my fellow leaders, unplugging is not a luxury; it's a necessity for our well-being and success in this digital age. Let's embrace the magic of unplugging, incorporate it into our routines, and reap the incredible rewards. 


Inspiring You To Thrive, 





Lisa Druxman


This mom, Lisa Druxman, has a mission to help other moms. She founded a company called FIT4MOM, the country's largest fitness program for moms. She is also a speaker, author, and podcaster.

"A self proclaimed idea monkey and #momboss, Lisa is passionate about helping women get out of overwhelm and in to a life of health and happiness. She shares her life hacks and experiences to help you live a more passionate and purposeful life."

Lisa is a speaker and author. She earned her Master's Degree at San Diego State University in psychology with an emphasis in exercise adherence and weight control. She created the weight management program, L.E.A.N. Mommy® (Learn Eating Awareness and Nutrition) which is also the name of her book, by Hachette Books.

You can read more about her here!



When it comes to leadership resources for helping with unplugging in both personal and professional settings, there are several avenues you can explore. Here are a few suggestions:

Books: Some popular titles include:

"The Power of Full Engagement" by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

"Thrive" by Arianna Huffington

"Off Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth to Personal and Professional Satisfaction" by Matthew Kelly.

Technology: Technology can be both a facilitator and a hindrance when it comes to unplugging. It's important to leverage tools mindfully and establish boundaries that align with your goals and values. 

Here are some tools and technologies that can assist you in unplugging and finding some level of balance in your personal and professional lives:

  1. Digital Well-being Apps: There are numerous mobile apps available that help manage screen time, set usage limits, and provide reminders for taking breaks. Examples include Forest, Moment, and Offtime, which encourage mindful phone usage and offer features to track and limit app usage.
  1. Productivity and Focus Tools: Tools like Pomodoro timers, such as Tomato Timer and Focus@Will, can help leaders structure their work time and improve focus. These tools break work into intervals with designated breaks to maintain productivity while also incorporating planned moments for rest.
  1. Email and Notification Management: Email and notification overload can be a major distraction. Tools like Inbox Pause (for Gmail) or built-in features in email clients that allow for scheduled delivery of emails can help leaders avoid being constantly tethered to their inboxes.
  1. Team Collaboration and Communication Platforms: Utilizing team collaboration platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams can streamline communication, reduce email overload, and help set boundaries. You can establish guidelines for communication outside of working hours to ensure that messages are addressed during designated times.
  1. Time Tracking and Project Management Tools: Implementing time tracking and project management tools, such as Toggl or Asana, can help you prioritize tasks, plan your schedules, and gain visibility into how you allocate your time. This enables you to better manage workloads and allocate time for unplugging.

Experiment with different tools and approaches to find what works best for you in achieving a healthy balance between your digital and offline life. 

Sheeba Varghese is a strategic partner for your talent development solutions and the author of Confidence, Clarity & Ease: A Guide For Emerging Leaders To Thrive. Her passion is to inspire and equip men and women to lead with excellence and authenticity within the spheres of influences that they are called to impact in life. The spheres may be in a home, on a team, in a classroom, among partners in a firm, or within management, to name a few.

Sheeba works with: 

Senior Leaders and professionals who want to develop stronger leadership skills, have impact and move forward in their careers

Teams who want to work cohesively within their organizations

Coaches who want to renew or apply for certification with ICF

If you want to improve your leadership skills, transition from managing to leading, ensure your team is amazingly successful, increase your own self-awareness and progress your career, or you aspire to be a masterful coach for your clients, then Sheeba would love to support you. She works with clients globally, both face-to-face, phone or by Zoom.

In her time apart from clients, Sheeba enjoys time with her husband, Santosh, and their 2 sons, Sam and Steven. She loves great movies, a good book, decorating and dining at the wonderful restaurants in the Bay Area.


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